Mechanism of detergent Action in Washing Machine

Mechanism of detergent Action in Washing Machine

Mechanism of detergent Action in Washing Machine

Another way of expressing the detergency phenomenon is by explaining that the cleaning solution wets the substrate and surrounds the dirt reduces the attraction between the dirt and the support material and allows it to separate from the latter, and as a final phase, the detergent solution also acts to ensure that the dirt does not re-adhere.

Wetting:This is the first action that a detergent solution performs when in contact with the support material and the dirt. The wetting capacity and the speed of action are linked to the surface tension of the washing solution, and in order to regulate this capacity detergents incorporate components that reduce surface tension.

Releasing the dirt:The active part of the detergent solution surrounds the dirt  and frees it from the support material  until it no longer adheres – an action that is summed up in the below formula:

Support Material/Dirt + detergent = Support material/detergent + dirt/detergent

Keeping the dirt separate from the support material: The freed dirt is to be found inside the detergent solution, and it is essential that it is prevented from re-depositing on surfaces that are now clean. Several physical and chemical reactions are involved in this action such as those of saponification, emulsification, dispersion, etc.

Other physical aspects must also be taken into account in order to understand detergency.

Temperature:This is an active property and one that accelerates detergency, and can by itself destroy microorganisms.

Hydrodynamics:This depends on the flow rate of the fluids and on the variations in each particular facility.

The nature of the support material:Both the dirt and the detergent solution can interact with the support material, creating conditions that either favor or limit detergency.

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